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The lightness of being: a floating table. The new gem in Tramelan

Banque Raiffeisen Pierre Pertuis in Tramelan

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Where do you hold stimulating conversations? Where do you get to experience a strong sense of community? Where are decisions taken that shape the future? That’s right. Face to face around a table. Banque Raiffeisen Pierre Pertuis in Tramelan is celebrating that moment of interaction at the sort of table that the banking world has never seen before. Once you’ve sat at this table, you’ll probably never forget it.

The question facing us right from the outset was: How do you design a bank in a room that is 30 metres long and 5 metres wide, which you want to develop into a meeting space?

Our answer: The bank asks its customers to sit down at the table! That is where life happens. People work, laugh, chat and give advice there. The 8-metre long table in Tramelan can accommodate up to 26 people, is suspended from six fine steel cables and floats, as it were, in the customer lobby.

It only takes 10 minutes to get the table ready, and there is nothing else in the way of holding a customer event there and then in the bank. The consultation room which looks out at the reception – itself staffed at all times – is located in the back. The coffee corner and wine fridge, another consultation room and a staff room are set back somewhat in the design of the space, with the specific needs of customers in mind.

We were responsible for the conceptual design of this stunning project: from the façade and the interior design of the entire bank premises to the decoration and greening concept – this in collaboration with Batigestion (implementation and construction management).

We were delighted to attend the inauguration of the table. We wish the staff in Tramelan all the best for the launch and many successful discussions around the floating table.

Do you like what you see? Do you have a similar project in mind or would you like detailed information?

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