With its Pod-Chair, the Association of Swiss Master Carpenters and Funiture Manufacturers VSSM has launched an impressive project to get young people interested in the carpentry profession.
The idea is simple: An impressive project is intended to draw the attention of children and young people to the carpentry profession and get them excited about it. The result is the Pod-Chair — an oversized, futuristic-looking chair for gaming and watching movies.
We accepted the great challenge to construct and produce the Pod-Chair according to the design of the young product designer Jan Feusi. Our production team impressed by showing how a vision becomes reality. The spectacular Pod-Chair with a height of around 2.4 metres and a diameter of over two metres was created in inspiring teamwork: from demanding CAD design work to carpentry work such as veneering, milling, drilling, staining, fitting and assembling — all part of the process that makes a carpenter’s heart beat faster.